

How to get started with CCSHIP Shipstation and Direct Link Integration

Starting with CCShip is very easy!

Follow these quick and easy steps to get started with us;

Step 1: First, log in to our “CCship” panel.

Note – If you don’t have the credentials, then you can email us at, we will provide you the details asap.

Step 2: Connect your Shipstation account details with CCShip

Go to Setting > Shipstation Set-Up – Here, add your Shipstation account details;

  1. Shipstation Account: Add your Shipstation API Key, Secret Key, and click Save.
    ” How to access the ShipStation API key and Secret Key?”
    Open your Shipstation and follow the below steps;
    >Go to Account Settings (the wrench icon in the upper right).
    >Select Account from the left-hand sidebar, then choose API Settings.
    >At the bottom of the page, click Generate New API Keys.

Note – Once you have connected your ShipStation account in the CCShip portal please log in to your ShipStation account & create a tag for DirectLink.

For example You can create a tag named “Ship via DirectLink

Now once you have created the above tag, you will need to go back to the CCShip portal & follow the below steps-

Go to Setting > Shipstation Set-Up > Add Shipper Set-Up –
In some cases, ShipStation users need to print different packing slips for their orders coming in from different stores. So to simplify that we have a feature where you can add multiple Shipper Details that will get printed on the packing slips for the orders that belongs to a certain store.

In order to print different packing slips for different stores, you will need to perform the below steps-

1. Click on Shipper Details Tab inside ShipStation Setup
Add all the different shipper details you want to get printed on your different packing slips & save them.

2. Now tab to Shipper Store Mapping inside ShipStation Setup menu and
Map the Shipper details you created in step 2 to your ShipStation Stores.
Once you do that the integration will generate a packing slip for the mapped store with Shipper details you have mapped the store with.

3. Label & Tracking Details Settings – Here you can choose on which custom field, you want to display the PDF URL of Labels, and Packing Slips on Shipstation.
It will help you in printing as you will get the labels URLs in your email in different links, by which you can choose you whether you want to print both slips from the same printer or different printers.
Very helpful for both single and bulk orders.

Label Shipment Cost – You can select on which field you want to show the label shipment cost.

Step 3: Connect your Direct Link API details with CCShip

Go to, Settings > Direct Link Setup – You’ll see the below details;

  1. Label API Actor: Enter your Label API Actor,
  2. Label API Key: Enter your Label API Key,
  3. Select Service: Choose from the drop-down, which service you want for Shipping, like Level 1, 2, 3 Level 3 Express or Level 3 parcel.

4. Select Product Carrier Service: Here you can select which Service Carrier you want for the product from the drop-down given; like as document, Commercial Sample, returned goods or etc.

5. Notification Email: Add your email address to get notifications.
Notifications will include the order details like we will send you a spreadsheet full of details, i.e., Order number, Label PDF URL, Tracking Number, Date of the order’s shipment, Error details if any, packing slip, and Link of Merged PDF URL.
[ Merged PDF URL – If you apply the tag of Create Shipment in multiple orders then we will send you the combined PDF for all the shipments in one link, and the bulk labels will be printed in just a click for all the orders.]

Now Go to, Settings > Direct Link Setup > Order Source Settings – You’ll see the below details;

  1. Refresh button – Click on this button then all the Tags of your shipstation account will be fetched in our CCShip panel.
    After that you can select the tags from the drop-down for below;
    Select ShipStation Tag to Create Label in Batch: – as “Ship via DirectLink

Quickly ship using the CCship extension,

Note: You can install the extension from here – CCSHIP Chrome Extension.
a) Open the extension and login, after the log-in 4 buttons will appear on the extension.
b) You will need to enter the order number into the order number field to get the results. You can put 1 or multiple order numbers at the same time separated by commas.

  • Options will be –
    Ship via Direct Link – By clicking on this button a label will be created for the order & label URL will appear on the popup, then the order will be shipped.
    Clear – It is being used to clear/refresh the result on the popup.

A short Demonstration video of the integration –

Congratulations, all parts are done.
You are now ready to ship your Shipstation orders via Direct Link.


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