

How repricing works in Discogs Woocommerce Integration?

If you’re looking to increase or decrease the price of your product in your online retail store compared to the original price in Discogs then this feature will work for you. Let’s say if you want to provide a sale on your online retail store(Like Shopify, Woocommerce, etc) then you can use this feature.

Some Important Points

  1. Repricing does not work for already synced products (the products which are already synced from Discogs to your online retail store). But if any product price is updated by Discogs then you can do repricing for that product which will reflect on your online retail store & Marketplace.

  2. Repricing only works for the product which is synced after selecting the repricing feature. Let’s say you want to reprice your product in Shopify or any other online retail store then you need to go for the Repricing feature and then you need to sync from Discogs to your online retail store.

  3. You can not reprice Discogs products here. If Discogs update the price for any of your synced products then you can apply repricing features to change the price of that same product in respective stores.

  4. The repricing feature is basically for your online retail store. Discog’s product price will be as it is.

Some Important Points

  1. To use our Repricing feature, firstly you need to create an account in our DisConnect App.

  2. When you log in, you will see your dashboard.

3. On the left menu, Click on the Channel Settings and Navigate to the Woocommerce tab.

4. Here you can reprice your product in two ways. One is by fixed price and the other is by percentage.

5. For increasing the price you need to select the type of increase and then you can add the value by which you want to increase. Then click on “Update Price Setting”.Let’s say I want to increase “By Fixed Amount” by 10. This means that for all new sync, the costs of the product price of Discogs will remain the same but the same product price will be increased by 10$ in your online retail store.

6. If you want to decrease the price of the product in the store, then select the type and then value. Just add a minus sign before the value.


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