

Discogs WooCommerce Integration Advanced Settings

DisConnect gives you a lot of advanced features like auto repricing, sync draft items, mark sold items as a draft, etc. In this article let’s walk through how to perform these additional settings.

Step 1: Log in to your DisConnect account and navigate to the Channel Settings.

Step 2: Now, here in the Discogs section once you have authenticated your Discogs. You can perform the various additional settings-

1. Export Discogs inventory manually(Optional)

If you do not want to export your Discogs inventory manually and would want to export manually, you need to urn the ” Export Discogs inventory manually” switch ON. And click on “Choose file” to import a file from your device and then click on Upload.

2. Mark listings draft when sold out

If you want the items to be marked as a draft once they are sold on Discogs and do not want them to Expire, you can use this feature in DisConnect for the same, by turning the “Mark listings draft when sold out” switch ON.

3. Discogs Inventory Threshold Management:

DisConnect now allows users to withhold specific quantities or all stock on Discogs. Threshold Management allows you to set a “Stock Threshold Quantity” which will no longer relist the product on Discogs should your actual stock quantity drop below the assigned threshold value. For this, you can simply enter the value of the quantity at which you want to stop relisting the items.

This will help increase your presence over certain channels be it online sales channels or offline brick & mortar stores over the others by driving more traffic to them in accordance with your needs. By default, this will be 0 for all products.

Note: If you want to do this for specific products, you can do it from the product details section. In the screenshot below, you can add unique values for each and every individual product in the product details section.

4.Fetch inventory quantity from Discogs
DisConnect allows you to fetch inventory quantity and sync with your connected e-Commerce channels to fetch the inventory quantity of your products from Discogs by turning the “Fetch inventory quantity from Discogs” switch ON and Selecting the Discogs field in which you have mentioned the quantity either “Item Location” or “Private Comments” field.

Important: For this first, you need to add the quantity of your product by mentioning “X” or “[q=X]” where X= number of the quantity of the product either in the “Item Location” field or “Private Comments” of your Discogs product.

Remember: Please do not forget to click on the “Save” button at the end once you have performed all the advanced settings to save all your settings.

Once you have performed and saved all the advanced settings in the Discogs section. You can go to the WooCommerce section and turn the “Create new products on WooCommerce” switch ON.

Upon turning the “Create new products on WooCommerce” switch ON you will be opened to more options to configure. They include –

5.Sync Draft listings to WooCommerce

In addition to syncing products that are “For Sale” from Discogs to WooCommerce, we also have the option to sync listings that are on “Draft” status on Discogs. You can achieve this by enabling this option.

6.Mark WooCommerce Item as Draft when Sold Out

There is also an option to mark WooCommerce products as Draft when sold out. This will help you hide your listing when your listing has 0 inventory and is thus unavailable for your customers to search on your WooCommerce store.

7.Repricing feature

The repricing feature is used to reprice the products in your online retail stores. If you would want to increase or decrease the price of your products in your WooCommerce store as compared to the original price in Discogs then you can use this feature.

To perform repricing select whether you want to reprice “By percentage” or by “Fixed amount” and enter the value by which you want to reprice your items on your WooCommerce store. Let’s say you want to increase “By Fixed Amount” by 10. This means that for all new sync, the costs of product price of Discogs will remain the same but the same product price will be increased by 10$ in your online retail store. If you want to decrease the price of the product in the store, then just add a minus sign before the value.

8.WooCommerce Weight unit and Weight Mapping

Your unit of measure for Weights can be selected from either grams, kilogram, ounce & pound in your WooCommerce and it will be fetched to DisConnect.

Once the selected weight unit in your WooCommerce is fetched to DisConnect you can map or set different weights for different Formats in your Discogs to be synced with on your WooCommerce.

For this, you need to click on “Manage Weight Mapping”.

Upon clicking on the “Manage Weight Mapping” you are directed to the screen as shown below, where you need to select a “Format” and “Format description” and add a value of the weight that you want to pass for that Format to your WooCommerce.

You can add multiple mapping for different formats by clicking on Add Mapping.

Once you are done with setting up the rules for passing different weights for different formats click on “Save” and turn the “Enable Weight Mapping” switch ON in the WooCommerce channel settings and save the settings.

9. Currency Conversion

If you are looking to sell on your local currency to make your consumers be able to shop online effortlessly without being charged extra fees for currency conversion on their credit card statements but do not want to update the currency for all the products manually. DisConnect has got you covered, It gives you the option to convert your currency while syncing your products from your Discogs to your WooCommerce store.

Note: You would only be able to use this feature if you have two different currencies set up on your Discogs and WooCommerce store.

You can use the Currency conversion in two ways. One is automated and the other is manual.

Manual Conversion Type:

If you have selected the Manual currency conversion type, you will need to enter the currency conversion rate. The value you enter here will be multiplied by the price of the product and will be created on your Discogs. For example:

Discogs actual price = 30
Currency conversion rate = 75
In WooCommerce it will be = 30 X 75 = 2,250 is the currency value.

Automated Conversion Type:

If you opt for the Automated currency conversion type, it will automatically fetch the currencies you have set in your Discogs and in your WooCommerce store and will convert the real-time value and sync it to your WooCommerce. For example, if you are selling in USD in your Discogs but want to sell in GBP in your WooCommerce it will automatically fetch the currencies and convert in the real-time value.

Discogs actual price = $25
Currency value $1 = £0.72
In WooCommerce it will be = 25×0.72 = £18 (GBP)


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