How rule based Category mapping works in Discogs Squareup Integration?
DisConnect allows you to map your Discogs products to be synced to the particular categories in your Square on the basis of Genre, Style, and Format so that you can arrange your products without any confusion.
In this tutorial, we will walk you through the various steps you will have to follow in order to set up the rule-based Category Mapping.
Once you log in to DisConnect, you will land on the dashboard. Here you need to click on the Mappings section and then go to Squareup POS Mapping.

Here are two options. One is Field Mapping and the other is Category Mapping.
Field Mapping helps you to map Discogs data to your products on your Squareup POS and customize how you want your products to be displayed in your Squareup as per your requirements or preferences. To know more you can check our article on how to do Field Mapping.
On the right side of Field Mapping, you will see Category Mapping. Here you can map various Discogs products into your ideal Squareup categories with ease.

To do the mappings please follow the steps given below.
Step 1: In your Squareup account, first you need to add categories for your products. You can see the below image for reference.

Step 2: After adding categories in your Squareup POS, you have to go to Category mappings in Disconnect and click on the “Refresh button”

Step 3: Now click on the Add Mapping Rule and enter a Rule Name according to your preferences and choose the particular Discogs entity type(Genre, Style, Format) from their dropdown according to your Discogs product which you have selected to perform category mapping with your Squareup.

You can also add a default category for the items for which you have not created any mapping rule.

Please make sure to select all three Discogs conditions correctly to match the products to Squareup in the right categories. Otherwise, our integration will take the closest matching mapping. The default categories are the same that you have already created in your Squareup account. If the condition fails then our integration will automatically lookout for the next best fit ( closest matching rule) & choose the categories & tags assigned to it. If there are no closest matching records, we will choose the default values for the category which you have provided. After clicking on the update button, the mapping rules are set and your Discogs products will now fall under the respective Squareup category with the corresponding tags, should the conditions fit the criterion.
If you want more conditions(rules) to determine how your Discogs listing will sync & appear on your Squareup store, set up more rules for corresponding categories by clicking on the Add Row option.

- 1. If you would like to create mappings on your Squareup store based on Genres like Rock, Pop, etc,
Do the following
When you create your first mapping rule, Select the respective genre(s) first followed by “All Styles” or the actual styles(s) which belong to the genre previous selected and “All Formats” of your Discogs Listings and then select your corresponding Squareup Category (Named based on the Format say Rock) that you’ve already created on your Squareup store from the drop down.
You can create multiple rows for every category/tag you’d like to create on your Squareup website.
- 2. If you would like to create mappings on your Squareup store based on Formats like CDs, Vinyls, etc,
Do the following
When you create your first mapping rule, Select “All Genres” , “All Styles” and then select the “Format” of your Discogs Listings and then select your corresponding Squareup Category( Named based on the Format say CD) that you’ve already created on your Squareup store from the drop down.
You can create multiple rows for every category/tag you’d like to create on your Squareup website.
This is how Squareup Categeory mapping works. Once you’re done with field & category mapping, check out the Attributes mapping and then wrap it up by configuring the final settings on your Discogs & Squareup channel settings and you’re now ready to start syncing your products from Discogs to Squareup.