

Get started with WooCommerce Discogs Integration

In this guide, we will be looking at configuring your WooCommerce to Discogs Integration where the products will be syncing in the direction from WooCommerce to Discogs.

Step 1: You can use the below URL for registration.

Registration URL: https://disconnect.constacloud.com/register

Step 2: The registration Process consists of two steps. Firstly, you need to fill in the below-mentioned details.

Name, Email Password (It should have a minimum of 8 characters with 1 Capital, 1 Numeric, 1 special character.)

Step 3: After entering all the required details, you need to click on the “Create Account” button.

Step 4: Upon creating an account inside DisConnect, you will see the following pop-up appear on the web app. It’s a sequence of quick guided onboarding steps that you can perform in order to sync between your WooCommerce and Discogs or you can skip it to manually configure your sync using all the advanced features.

The Quick Guided Onboarding

Step 4(A): In the first step, Connect your Discogs Account. Upon clicking the “Connect your Discogs account” button, you will be redirected to your Discogs account which will ask you to Authorize your Discogs account to connect with DisConnect.

Once you click on the Authorize button, your Discogs account will now be authenticated to DisConnect.

Step 4(B): In the next step, we will be authenticating your WooCommerce account. To do that, enter your “Domain” & click on Authenticate.

Upon clicking Authenticate button you will be directed to your WooCommerce where it will ask you to Approve, and upon clicking on the Approve your account will get authenticated to DisConnect.

Step 4(C): In the third step, select the direction of your product sync. Whether you want to sync your products from Discogs to WooCommerce or the other way round.

Step 4(D): Once you have selected “Sync from WooCommerce to Discogs”, you’ll get the screen as shown below:

You can choose to sync products from WooCommerce to Discogs by ensuring your products are in a particular category or have a particular tag. Once you’ve selected either “Category” or “Tag”, enter the values of the categories or Tags of the products you wish to import from and sync to Discogs.

Also, select a product field that holds the Release ID of Discogs and click on “Save & Start the Sync”.

Step 4.1.5: Once you click on the “Save & Start Sync” option, you will get the screen below

Once you’ve configured the same, click on the “Save & Start the sync” option.
After starting the sync button, we will start preparing your data for sync and it will take around 15 – 20 minutes to complete the process. Once data is prepared they will start syncing one by one to Discogs. You can see the progress by refreshing the Dashboard of the Disconnect panel.

Want to sync your products from Discogs to WooCommerce instead? Checkout out, this guide.

We hope this article is helpful. If you still have any questions, please book a quick demo session here. Our experts will walk you through the complete product features in detail and help you set up your account for free.


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